Prime Contracts
DHS Department-wide BPA for Geospatial Technical Support Services (GTSS 2.0)
MHM Innovations is a Prime contractor on the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Geospatial Technical Support Services (GTSS 2.0) Department-Wide, Strategic Sourcing Vehicle that provides capability for supporting programs throughout DHS with geospatial analysis and situational awareness technologies. Services include delivering critical geospatial mission support in the areas of emergency management during natural and manmade disasters, planning for National Special Security Events (NSSE), securing the northern and southern borders, enforcing immigration and customs regulations, maritime security and other law enforcement missions, and protecting essential critical infrastructure.
BPA #70RTAC19A00000013
PoP: 09/30/2021 – 09/29/2024
GTSS 2.0 BPA scope of services provides situational awareness capabilities to DHS Operations that rely on location-based technologies for decision support including:
Task 1 Program and Project Management Services – Report on utilization and adoption of geospatial technology, the impact of geospatial programs, initiatives and geospatial capabilities.
Task 2 Solutions Engineering, System Design and Implementation – Perform a variety of systems engineering tasks concerned with systems; design, integration, and implementation; perform test and evaluation tasks, cloud migration, and DevOps.
Task 3 Analytics and Data Processing Activities – Create and develop geospatial products and geo-processing tasks; identify geospatial data needs to support geo-analysis; compile and maintain geospatial metadata and deliver in shareable formats.
Task 4 Enterprise and Technical Architecture Actions – Provide technical data, security, identity management, and systems architecture analysis and assessment for architectural products of the enterprise and operation business lines; advise on network processing, client/server structure, data storage and access, systems integration, ensure compliance with DHS Enterprise Architecture policies, standard, and procedures.
Task 5 Data Processing and Management Activities – Design, implement and maintain geodatabases, access methods, access time, device allocation, validation checks, organization, protection and security, documentation and statistical methods in a geospatial data warehouse environment; review object and data models and the geospatial metadata repository; review geospatial data governance Geospatial Data Modeling; Metadata development and alignment data standards.
Task 6 Cloud Managed Services, DevOps, Operations and Maintenance – Provide corrective and preventive maintenance; cloud migration and managed services, maintain Certification and Accreditation with authority to operate (ATO); support all modifications, upgrades and enhancements; provide infrastructure and network services support; provide Technical Help Desk Services 24x7x365; perform automated testing and quality assurance for DHS geospatial systems, solutions, and applications.
This BPA allows the DHS community an efficient and effective vehicle for contracting with proven, vetted geospatial resources.
MHM Innovations Contacts
Business Development & Teaming
Karl Satterwhite: KSatterwhite@IntegrityMC.com
Government Contacts
Contracting Officer's Representative (COR)
Lewis Summers: Lewis.Summers@hq.dhs.gov
GTSS Program Office
Strategic Sourcing Program Office (SSPO)
Samantha Mehl: Samantha.Mehl@hq.dhs.gov
​IT Schedule 70 is the largest and most widely used acquisition vehicle in the federal government. Schedule 70 is an indefinite delivery indefinite quantity (IDIQ) Multiple Award Schedule providing direct access to products and services and is the government source for more than $16B in IT purchases annually, for federal, state, and local customers.
Contract: IT Schedule 70
Contract Number: GS-35F-0257W
Professional Services Schedule (PSS) - Schedule 874 (Multiple Award Schedule) provides a full range of professional business services and related support products for consulting, facilitation, surveys, training, acquisition management support, program and project management support, and related support products. This schedule is designed to allow federal agencies to meet mission requirements requiring integrated business solutions.
Contract: Professional Services Schedule (PSS)
Contract Number: GS-10F-0216V
Army - Accent
Accent, is a BPA sponsored by Army’s Program Executive Office for Enterprise Information Systems (PEO-EIS) to provide cloud computing and the technical services needed to migrate Army applications from legacy data centers to modern cloud architectures.
Army - B2S2
Better Buying Support Services (B2S2) is a MAC vehicle supporting Program Executive Office (PEO) Intelligence Electronic Warfare and Sensors (IEW&S) providing technical, acquisition, program management, logistical, financial and business support services to meet their mission requirements.
Army - RS3
Responsive Strategic Sourcing for Services (RS3) is an IDIQ contract to provide services to support a diverse group of organizations that span the spectrum of mission areas for programs with C4ISR related requirements. Areas of support include C4ISR-related requirements for Engineering, Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E), Logistics, Acquisition and Strategic Planning, and Education and Training.
Army Tactical Exploitation of National Capabilities (TENCAP) Systems Engineering and Technical Assistance (SETA) provides a range of technical, engineering, analysis, and program management support functions. Technical skills will be applied in the environment of Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) technology and operations.
Army - TMCA
Tactical Mission Command Applications (TMCA) is an IDIQ contract to provide high quality software support services including software engineering, software verification testing, and systems engineering.
DHS - PACTS II Functional Category 1(FC1)
Program Management, Administrative, Clerical, and Technical Services II (PACTS II) is an IDIQ that provides a wide range of non-IT services for DHS. FC1 is for Program Management and Technical Services.
DIA - ESITE (Both Small and Large Business)
Enhanced Solutions for Information Technology Enterprise (E-SITE) provides worldwide coverage of IT requirements and technical support services supporting the Government through system design, development, fielding, and sustainment of global intelligence and Command and Control (C2) assets vital to the security of the United States (US). The E-SITE, IDIQ contract vehicle, supports both classified and unclassified programs on multiple networks and security domains.
DIA - Dore
Data Science, Operations, Requirements, and Exploitation (DORE) is an IDIQ to provide support to areas of: 1. Technical Collection Concept Development, 2. Collection Planning and Operations Support, 3. Data Sciences Support, 4. Technical Exploitation Support, 5. Internet of Things (IOT), Social Media & Open Source Support, 6. Application/Web/Collaboration Support, 7. Requirements Development and Test Support, 8. Rapid-Response SME Support, 9. Headquarters Support, 10. Academic/Private Sector Outreach and Innovation, and 11. Contract Project Management and Common Tasks.
JETS is an IDIQ that provides the full range of IT services, technical and management expertise that support applications, software, hardware, infrastructure, and systems, across the DLA IT Enterprise.
FAA - eFast
Electronic FAA Accelerated and Simplified Tasks (eFAST) is an IDIQ providing Air Transportation Support, Business Administration & Management, Research & Development, Computer/Information Systems Development, Computer Systems Support, Documentation & Training, Engineering Services, Maintenance & Repair.
FBI's Solutions for Intelligence Analysis Solutions (SIAS) is a BPA providing intelligence analysis support and related services.
GSA - OASIS (Small Business Pool 1)
OASIS (SB Pool 1) is an Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contracts that provides flexible and innovative solutions for complex professional services including: Communication, Compliance, Defense, Disaster, Energy, Environment, Financial, Health, Intelligence, Security, and Transportation.
SeaPort-e is the Navy's electronic platform for acquiring support services in 22 functional areas including Engineering, Financial Management, and Program Management. The Navy Systems Commands (NAVSEA, NAVAIR, SPAWAR, NAVFAC, and NAVSUP), the Office of Naval Research, Military Sealift Command, and the United States Marine Corps all utilize SEAPORT E for their service requirements.
NGA - Mojave Functional Area 1 (Small Business)
Mojave (FA 1) provides NGA with General Support services across the agency and it is the follow-on contract to NGA ESMARTS.
NGA - Emerald
Emerald provides NGA total lifecycle acquisition management, strategic financial management and strategic business management support services and it is the follow-on contract to NGA RDAS.