Cyber Security
MHM specializes in Cyber Security including Cloud-based Cyber Security Engineering and Cloud-based Security Assessments. We have direct experience in the delivery of accelerated defensive technologies that automate the identification, assessment, evaluation, response strategies, and tactics enabling highly scalable solutions to new and emerging threats in cyber space.
MHM's Friend-or-Foe Defensive Cyber Proof-of-Concept Solution Given the low cost of high performance computer technology used for cloud architectures and the ease with which attackers can access and exploit unsuspecting host systems, our clients face an increasing hostile environment originating from an accelerated level of offensive attacks on networks, computer systems, and installations.
MHM's engineering staff architected and designed a Friend-or-Foe defensive cyber proof-of-concept solution using emerging technologies that exploit the network effect of parallel processors and high speed computational algorithms. We developed a demonstration test bed that monitored, detected, analyzed, and generated offensive cyber signatures. This approach makes it easier to detect attack patterns and divert traffic to decoy assets that appeared to be actual network eco-systems. The advantage of such a design is based in an architecture that utilized open source technologies, high speed, in-memory network monitors, and leveraged the parallel processing capability of the new and emerging, low cost, commodity chip sets.
The MHM Friend-or-Foe defensive cyber proof-of-concept solution and demonstration test bed is enabling the development of new and agile cyber defense frameworks, methods, and processes and accelerating the design and testing of future defensive strategies in the cyber defense community
MHM's Certification and Accreditation Automation Solution Organizations are often faced with an accelerated timeline for meeting Certification and Accreditation requirements for new enterprise cloud solutions. The challenge originates with an infrastructure, platform, and services that are a mix of open source, custom, and commercial hardware, network, and software solutions. Components on the system could easily extend thousands of configuration files spanning more than forty servers.
MHM can perform the analysis, trade study, and assessment of software tools that are already deployed on your system. Using an agile development methodology, MHM developed an automation framework, method, and set of software tools using existing open source assets that enables the automated analysis, collection, and validation of information contained in tens of thousands of system, network, and application configuration files to effectively support Certification and Accreditation.
The MHM Certification and Accreditation Automation Solution enables accelerated deployment of cloud solutions and is emerging as a wider cloud community best practice to ensure data integrity within a cloud-based architecture.